Vancouver, WA
19u | 8 Team Max | Pool Play | 4 Game Guarantee | Born in 2006
16u | 8 Team Max | Pool Play | 4 Game Guarantee | Born in 2009
PHONE: 509.432.5216
FEE: $1,500 / 4 Game Guarantee
Box of Baseballs Provided
No Gate Fees for Spectators or Families
In an effort to avoid late cancellations, and the scramble to find replacement teams, we ask tournament fees be paid by April 1st.
If your team fees are collected later than April 1st, we will accept a 50% deposit by April 1st, and the rest of the fees by June 1st.
We want to work with all programs to make our tournaments work within your program fees, so if another arrangment outside these dates is needed, please contact me at
The following teams are confirmed for the 19U Division
Bold Italics = Paid in Full
8 of 8 Teams
Cavs Baseball
Elevate Hooks NW 18u
Gunderson Baseball
Idaho Show
Lydos Lab 18u
Lydos Lab 17u
Mound Time 18u
NW Star Academy Mavericks
The following teams are confirmed for the 16U Division
Bold Italics = Paid in Full
8 of 8 Teams
Elevate Hooks NW 16u
Greenberry Athletics 16u
Gunderson Baseball 16u
Lydos Lab 15u
Mound Time 16u
Narrows Baseball 15u
Narrows Baseball 16u
NW Star Academy 16u